Avoid these three mistakes when it comes to Retirement Planning

Avoid these three mistakes when it comes to Retirement Planning

We are all aware that retirement is inevitable. It is a very important phase of your life which requires careful planning and thought since it is one goal for which you are not going to get a loan. However, one always feels there is plenty of time for retirement and hence planning for it takes a back seat.


Retired life can be a joyful phase in your lives, filled with abundance and time to fulfill some long-suppressed desires, provided you plan much in advance. The list of mistakes one makes when one plans for retirement is quite long, let us look at three of them today.


Our latest article, published on Money9.



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Finwise is a personal finance solutions firm that helps both NRI and resident individuals and families invest for their financial needs, follow their passions and achieve financial independence.


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Explained: Five money mantras to become financially free

Explained: Five money mantras to become financially free

At its simplest, Financial Independence means “having enough money so as to never work again for the rest of your life”. But as you would agree, neither is life simple, nor is it as predictable and straight-forward as one would like it to be. This effectively means that as you go along your life journey, your definition of what Independence means keeps changing as your goal posts keep shifting.

That said, it is not rocket science, and it is something that everyone should aspire towards, not just for the financial security, but for the mental doors that it opens for you when you discover that you are no longer working for the money.

Based on our journey, I share with you below a few simple principles that you can follow to get onto, and stay on this path. But beware, what is simple to understand is rarely easy to do, and requires discipline, patience and the ability to say no to your ego.




Image credit: Pixabay @ Pexels


Finwise is a personal finance solutions firm that helps both NRI and resident individuals and families invest for their financial needs, follow their passions and achieve financial independence.

To receive our articles through email, pl subscribe here.

5 simple steps for DIY Investors to manage their investments

5 simple steps for DIY Investors to manage their investments

In the last few years, we have experienced two changes that are here to stay – One, the average investor is getting younger. And two, the investing process has moved to being fully digital.

These two factors, combined with the new-age confidence that today’s younger generation possesses, has led to more and more investors seeking to invest on their own. Or as it is known popularly, DIY (Do-it-yourself).

That said, investing in markets is fraught with risks, and understanding those risks and preparing for them is a critical pre-requisite for both creating and protecting wealth. Hence having a laid-own process with key steps to follow will help DIY investors have a guide-map to reach their objectives as well as guard-rails to ensure that they don’t fall off in the interim.

Our latest article, published on Money9.


Image credit: Money9

Finwise is a personal finance solutions firm that helps both NRI and resident individuals and families invest for their financial needs, follow their passions and achieve financial independence.

To receive our articles through email, pl subscribe here.

All you need to know about EDLI – Employee Deposit Linked Insurance

All you need to know about EDLI – Employee Deposit Linked Insurance



Employee Deposit Linked Insurance or EDLI is a mandatory insurance scheme for private sector employees who are enrolled into EPF. The quantum of insurance provided depends upon the salary (salary refers only to Basic and DA) drawn in the last 12 months before death.  The insurance paid out is subject to a minimum of two point five Lakhs and maximum of seven lakhs.

Read more about EDLI in our article published in Money9 below and propagate this widely to help families in distress.



Image credit: Money9, Pixabay


Finwise is a personal finance solutions firm that helps both NRI and resident individuals and families invest for their financial needs, follow their passions and achieve financial independence.

To receive our articles through email, pl subscribe here.

Find out how smart were your money decisions in the last 12 months

Find out how smart were your money decisions in the last 12 months

My recent article was about how just like we frequently do a stress test as part of our regular health check-ups, we also need to periodically “stress-test: our personal financial health to check preparedness for financial calamities.


While many of us thankfully may be financially secure and prepared for calamities, we nevertheless can still do better when it comes to taking money decisions. And there are enough practical life situations around us that we face (or observe) that we can learn from on how we can take our money decisions better.

While we might feel that we are good at taking money decisions, how good are we really? The best way to learn is from our own experiences and the last 12 months will have given you plenty of them to learn from! So, give this “practical exam” to learn how good you are with your money decisions.


Our latest article, published on Money9.



Image credit: Money9

Finwise is a personal finance solutions firm that helps both NRI and resident individuals and families invest for their financial needs, follow their passions and achieve financial independence.

To receive our articles through email, pl subscribe here.


The last 12 months were a stress-test on your personal finances. How well did you fare?

The last 12 months were a stress-test on your personal finances. How well did you fare?

As we get into the second quarter of 2021, life seems to have come full circle, as they say, and we seem to be well into a 2.0 version of last year. But just a few weeks back, the memories of 2020 and the troubles wrought by the pandemic seemed distant and fading. Life had more or less returned to normalcy in most parts, and people seemed to be mingling as though social distancing was a bad dream.


While the memories of last year seem short-lived, I have a different view on this – keeping the experiences of the last 12 months alive in our memories and better still, taking actionable insights from it to prepare for the future, may be one way of being safer and more secure in a future increasingly turbulent and uncertain. So, as we go into a vicious relapse, it may be prudent to quickly assess how each one of us fared during those stressful times.


Most of you would have heard of a “Stress Test”. In personal health, a stress test assesses the state of your overall fitness and particularly your heart. Simply put, a stress test simulates the health and strength of any system that you wish to test, through appropriately designed procedures. Similarly, one can design a stress test to check how prepared one is financially to endure a financial crisis, like what happened in the last few quarters.


Answering this simple six question test below will be a rudimentary yet effective way to check how healthy your personal finances are. Our latest article, published on Money9.


Image credit: Money9


Finwise is a personal finance solutions firm that helps both NRI and resident individuals and families invest for their financial needs, follow their passions and achieve financial independence.

To receive our articles through email, pl subscribe here.


A look at the financial mistakes single women should be aware of

A look at the financial mistakes single women should be aware of

How do you plan for your financial well-being? Are the priorities the same for everyone or does it differ depending on your unique circumstances? In our experience over the years, we have noticed that a one-size-fits-all approach does not work when it comes to your finances.


When it comes to single women specially, their circumstances are different and to an extent unique, driven by not just their needs but also the prevailing laws, and therefore need to pay attention to the following.


Our latest article, published on Money9.



Image credit: Money9, Pixabay


Finwise is a personal finance solutions firm that helps both NRI and resident individuals and families invest for their financial needs, follow their passions and achieve financial independence.

To receive our articles through email, pl subscribe here.

Putting your financial tapestry together as a single woman

Putting your financial tapestry together as a single woman

Conventional wisdom has it that financial planning is the same irrespective of gender or marital status.  I have interacted with a disproportionately high number of single women and beg to differ. The challenges that are faced by these women are vastly different.

|How then should they go about putting the pieces of their financial tapestry together?

Our latest article published on Money9.


Image credit : Money9

Finwise is a personal finance solutions firm that helps both NRI and resident individuals and families invest for their financial needs, follow their passions and achieve financial independence.

To receive our articles through email, pl subscribe here.